Burp! FULL!
Had nice good food again today. This time pizza hut during lunch break. Actually it's considered normal food la. Juz the lunch express student's special. Curry Zazzle as usual. Been a long time since i drank the summer vegetables soup as well. Enjoyed it totally. Thanks to someone for the treat. wahahaha...
Work today was juz normal. Preparations for the promotions. Itching to buy the webcam that is on member's special now. haha... But quite weird as i'm not using webcam so often. I dun hav much frens using webcam as well. And... my wireless red mouse can't even be switched off now le. Gosh think spoil le. Realli regretted buying. Argh... Shortlisted one of the mouse i saw today. It's on promotion 20% off. That's cool and going to get it one of these days.
Seldom leave work early these days. It realli feels weird to leave at 6pm today. But realli nid to do sth. Argh... how i wish i can work all the way to closing. It's peak period at workplace now and i'm here typing this entry. It juz feels weird!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Was juz so damned busy for the whole of today. Stocks were like coming in like quite frequently today. hmm... And time realli flies. The next thing when i looked at my watch today was alr 6.45pm and it's near to dinner time le. LOL... It's a good thing! I didn't had the mood to go to work today. But still dragged myself to work. The morning was quite moody since sth happened yest. After that was more or less alright le.
My hands are suddenly itchy to get some wi-fi phones. But i can't get it for myself. I'm onli halfway thru my contract and my dad nids to get his phone. 26th oct is nearing so i better stop the temptation. The next phone i am switching to can onli be nokia 6060. My non camera phone for army. haha... It's juz right in front of me now.
During dinner time, saw that g2000 having sales again. LOL... Maybe should go walk ard again tmr during meal break tmr. WIll onli be workin till 6 tmr as i got sth to do. I should take this time to rest myself again. It's been a hectic schedule for me recently. I think the next few weeks should be quite relaxing le. Frm the new schedule that i saw.
Looking forward to this friday. Gonna be hoping to be playing pool again after so long. WHEE!
Was juz so damned busy for the whole of today. Stocks were like coming in like quite frequently today. hmm... And time realli flies. The next thing when i looked at my watch today was alr 6.45pm and it's near to dinner time le. LOL... It's a good thing! I didn't had the mood to go to work today. But still dragged myself to work. The morning was quite moody since sth happened yest. After that was more or less alright le.
My hands are suddenly itchy to get some wi-fi phones. But i can't get it for myself. I'm onli halfway thru my contract and my dad nids to get his phone. 26th oct is nearing so i better stop the temptation. The next phone i am switching to can onli be nokia 6060. My non camera phone for army. haha... It's juz right in front of me now.
During dinner time, saw that g2000 having sales again. LOL... Maybe should go walk ard again tmr during meal break tmr. WIll onli be workin till 6 tmr as i got sth to do. I should take this time to rest myself again. It's been a hectic schedule for me recently. I think the next few weeks should be quite relaxing le. Frm the new schedule that i saw.
Looking forward to this friday. Gonna be hoping to be playing pool again after so long. WHEE!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
It's finally my rest day today but argh... gg back to work tmr. So much of the looking forward to today. To cathay and vivo wif v-alicia today. To the cathay was a last minute decision. It was becoz of food at 1st but in the end we changed our mind. Went to watch the korean show today. Though the ending was a bit weird. haha... Popcorns... kept munching them in the cinema . Mouth was damned itchy. Actually this was the first time i bought popcorns into the cinema. All other times i onli brought in crackers. Lazy to spit out all the popcorns seeds in the cinema, so in the end i munched them down and down into my stomache! Burp!...
After that, VIVO! Nice food is a way of distressing. Baked rice this time. no cheese! I think i onli eat selected cheese. Like pizza. haha... Been long time since i ate pizza also. OMG... hawaiian pizza. I think the baked rice at kim gary quite nice bah. I didn't noe that they had outlets at different places at m'sia as well. Well overall it's quite a good place to enjoy and relax.
It's finally my rest day today but argh... gg back to work tmr. So much of the looking forward to today. To cathay and vivo wif v-alicia today. To the cathay was a last minute decision. It was becoz of food at 1st but in the end we changed our mind. Went to watch the korean show today. Though the ending was a bit weird. haha... Popcorns... kept munching them in the cinema . Mouth was damned itchy. Actually this was the first time i bought popcorns into the cinema. All other times i onli brought in crackers. Lazy to spit out all the popcorns seeds in the cinema, so in the end i munched them down and down into my stomache! Burp!...
After that, VIVO! Nice food is a way of distressing. Baked rice this time. no cheese! I think i onli eat selected cheese. Like pizza. haha... Been long time since i ate pizza also. OMG... hawaiian pizza. I think the baked rice at kim gary quite nice bah. I didn't noe that they had outlets at different places at m'sia as well. Well overall it's quite a good place to enjoy and relax.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
It's episode 2 of the crowds today. Everyone is still coming in for harry potter 7. But of coz the crowd today was lesser than that of yesterdae. I realli felt like vomiting for the whole of today. I was like can't concentrate on anything at all. I dun realli like to do counter 2. Argh! Every position seems so incorrect. I was like even chasing one cockroach as it travels by my counter. No choice, I was packing stuffs at that time. Can't even whack it. LOL...
Dinner was at 5pm today. I was damned famished when i did counter frm ard 8-9. The most frustrating thing abt night time was that i got no small change. I had to be careful wif every change. Juz enjoyed the nice kway teow that mum cooked. Not forgettin some fruits to enjoy a nice supper.
Going to work tmr at 12. And Tuesday will be my off day. The journey awaits...
Dinner was at 5pm today. I was damned famished when i did counter frm ard 8-9. The most frustrating thing abt night time was that i got no small change. I had to be careful wif every change. Juz enjoyed the nice kway teow that mum cooked. Not forgettin some fruits to enjoy a nice supper.
Going to work tmr at 12. And Tuesday will be my off day. The journey awaits...
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Tired... my legs juz feel like real jelly now. Standing from 6.30am in the morning to 10.30pm at night was like one pf the toughest test i ever faced in this year. LOL... There were alr queues in the early morning for the new harry potter book. gosh... i think i looked real weird in the purple shirt. There was breakfast in the early morning. The nasi lemak frm old chang kee. This one was realli a bit special. Hotdog + ikan belis and chilli. It's juz a light simple meal i guess wif soya bean. After that was realli tiring. Queues realli formed in the early morning. My drawer was so messy. *someones drawer for the 1st time so damned messy. shh....* Messy == got do work mah.
I realli wonder how's the situation like at other places. So many places selling harry potter. Still waiting to catch the harry potter movie. Juz wanna see the magic. I even had the urge to buy one book and read. But nahz, i didn't even start frm the very first book. I was even being asked if i was a fan of harry potter. LOL...
Tired, tired. Juz real tired. How i wished i can do counter 3 on monday. My off day is juz two days later. My grp is out frm camp again. Sorry guys, real busy wif work. Wonder when's the next time we will meet up again. Juz hope will be next week. LOL...
I realli wonder how's the situation like at other places. So many places selling harry potter. Still waiting to catch the harry potter movie. Juz wanna see the magic. I even had the urge to buy one book and read. But nahz, i didn't even start frm the very first book. I was even being asked if i was a fan of harry potter. LOL...
Tired, tired. Juz real tired. How i wished i can do counter 3 on monday. My off day is juz two days later. My grp is out frm camp again. Sorry guys, real busy wif work. Wonder when's the next time we will meet up again. Juz hope will be next week. LOL...
Friday, July 20, 2007
It's 10.08 pm now. And tmr i'm gonna be waking up at 5.45. Harry potter 7 will be released tmr at 7.01am tmr. Should be expecting queues i guess. I still remembered the last one that i did. For one hour, i was keying stuffs non stop. LOL... Tmr will be no different i think.
Went shopping wif mum today at giant. The amount of fruits she bought was like WOW! It's the fruits festival this month. In the our trolley, we had lychees, longans, cherries and even durian. Added shinchan vcd set 11 to my shinchan collection today. Will keep on adding more i think. Realli hope to add more to my collections next time i go tokyo. But the last time i went, i didn't see any. Should read up more abt him and his birthplace. Then can go his birthplace find him. Not a bad plan. The amount of stuffs that my mum and my auntie bought was realli a lot arh. So much that we needed to get a cab juz to get back. ANd it's a real long wait for the cab!
Went shopping wif mum today at giant. The amount of fruits she bought was like WOW! It's the fruits festival this month. In the our trolley, we had lychees, longans, cherries and even durian. Added shinchan vcd set 11 to my shinchan collection today. Will keep on adding more i think. Realli hope to add more to my collections next time i go tokyo. But the last time i went, i didn't see any. Should read up more abt him and his birthplace. Then can go his birthplace find him. Not a bad plan. The amount of stuffs that my mum and my auntie bought was realli a lot arh. So much that we needed to get a cab juz to get back. ANd it's a real long wait for the cab!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Out today to my skin doc appt. Slept damned late last nite at 3 plus to watch switched. I onli had 4 hours of sleep. Gosh. Was juz damned tired when i woke up. I didn't hav the feelin to go anywhere. I realli juz felt that sleeping there till 11 or 12. But i juz had to drag myself up to the appt. It's been a while since i last took public transport in early mornings. I still remembered that i had to squeeze into the train on my way to work during my attachment days. Though it's tiring, i find the experience real meaningful.
It's gonna be a rest dae tmr as well. What am i gonna do. It's sometimes damned boring when it comes to off days. Argh wat to do? Sigh. Maybe i should juz sleep late today again so that i can wake up tmr at 12 to watch tv and do some gaming. Argh i nid to find sth challenging. I did hav tots of doing a forum for my blog but i doubt i can finish it in time before my enlistment. LOL...
It's gonna be a rest dae tmr as well. What am i gonna do. It's sometimes damned boring when it comes to off days. Argh wat to do? Sigh. Maybe i should juz sleep late today again so that i can wake up tmr at 12 to watch tv and do some gaming. Argh i nid to find sth challenging. I did hav tots of doing a forum for my blog but i doubt i can finish it in time before my enlistment. LOL...
Real bored now. It's been realli some time since i last blogged la. LOL... Well, juz came back home not long ago from work. I seem to be getting more and more busy wif work nowadays. I juz feel real tired working for every weekends and not gg out wif my group. It's realli been weeks since i last went out wif my grp ah. Wif az coming out tmr, i juz hope that we can go out again next week. Well, hope noth crops up at work then will be ok le. Argh tmr still hav to wake up early to go doc le.
I juz hate myself to be thinkin each and every night inside the aircon room of mine. I'm juz like a person havin endless troubles wif myself. I juz feel real damned sick not able to share it wif anyone. It's juz real good to hav siblings sometimes. I'm always alone from young. Maybe that's sth bad abt me. Maybe i alr got used to it.
The release of harry potter 7 on this saturday. I hav to work frm 6.30am till ard 10 at nite i guess. It's exciting but tiring. The longest hours i worked this year was from 10.30am till 11pm at nite. This time it's even longer. It's challenging. It's a real test of mental power when it comes to cashiering. Coming to think of it, i think i won't be in the position of cashier if i didn't take up the cashiering job at prime three years ago.
I'm juz so confused and juz so confused wif wat i'm going thru...
I juz hate myself to be thinkin each and every night inside the aircon room of mine. I'm juz like a person havin endless troubles wif myself. I juz feel real damned sick not able to share it wif anyone. It's juz real good to hav siblings sometimes. I'm always alone from young. Maybe that's sth bad abt me. Maybe i alr got used to it.
The release of harry potter 7 on this saturday. I hav to work frm 6.30am till ard 10 at nite i guess. It's exciting but tiring. The longest hours i worked this year was from 10.30am till 11pm at nite. This time it's even longer. It's challenging. It's a real test of mental power when it comes to cashiering. Coming to think of it, i think i won't be in the position of cashier if i didn't take up the cashiering job at prime three years ago.
I'm juz so confused and juz so confused wif wat i'm going thru...
Monday, July 02, 2007
吃面啦! Time for eating noodles!
Juz from the moment i stepped out of my house today, i felt like i'm an ice cream melting. It's not that my imaginations are running wild but the weather is like realli damned hot today. Finally can cut my hair today liao. Working three days of weekends seems like the most tiring i did for the month. Queues juz kip flowing non stop. My legs realli felt like jelly standing at the same surface area for the whole 10-11 hours. Thinkin of that it's like 11 x 3 = 33. OMG... it's more than 24 hours. LOL...
Introducing my new kappa bag. My eyes got attracted to it once i saw it. But it's realli a tough decision between the colours coz both looks good. White is like more pure and erm... More outstanding. Black is like matches wif any colour of clothings. Finally settled for the black one. Coz i have shirts wif bright colours and it doesn't look good when bright colours meet white? erm... think i'm correct. Finally i got my bag.

The last time i ate hong kong food was frm the actual place itself. Imagine all the dim sum in the morning in hongkong and all the wanton mee frm hongkong. Thinkin back it's been quite some years since i been there. Managed to eat hong kong food today at kovan wif vick-licia. The stir fried noodles. hmmm... a lot of beansprouts. That's the first thing that came to my mind sia. Overall still alright. The ying yong is nice also. A mix of coffee and tea.
Juz from the moment i stepped out of my house today, i felt like i'm an ice cream melting. It's not that my imaginations are running wild but the weather is like realli damned hot today. Finally can cut my hair today liao. Working three days of weekends seems like the most tiring i did for the month. Queues juz kip flowing non stop. My legs realli felt like jelly standing at the same surface area for the whole 10-11 hours. Thinkin of that it's like 11 x 3 = 33. OMG... it's more than 24 hours. LOL...
The last time i ate hong kong food was frm the actual place itself. Imagine all the dim sum in the morning in hongkong and all the wanton mee frm hongkong. Thinkin back it's been quite some years since i been there. Managed to eat hong kong food today at kovan wif vick-licia. The stir fried noodles. hmmm... a lot of beansprouts. That's the first thing that came to my mind sia. Overall still alright. The ying yong is nice also. A mix of coffee and tea.
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